Jaunais Losandželosas (CA) "metalcore" kvintets "Lockslip" ar debijas EP "Lockslip" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/7megYx0XmIKQLbz2tun7CU
Losandželosas (CA) "hc" kvartets "Entry" ar trešo EP "Exit Interview" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/7tSDcRJ7bHwexZOiyiyUde
Pitsburgas (PN) "hc" kvartets "Princess" ar otro EP "Wishes For an Untimely Demise" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/1Z0Qq3VL3isHxIHBxeiYWE
Luisvilles (KY) "hc/punk" kvintets "Shitfire" pēc trīs izdotajiem EP (2021/2022/2023) būs ar jauno singlu ar video "Toxic" open.spotify.com/album/7iYkrLYguWnwQRWdhMLrC1
Trīs grupas ar debijas LP :
2021.g. veidotais Ņūorleanas (LA) "metalcore/hc" kvartets "Brat" ar LP "Social Grace" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/0Dw6dBw85aJh1i4Q5HcCX8
2020.g. veidotais Čikāgas (IL) "hc/punk" kvartets "Stress Positions" ar LP "Harsh Reality" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/4EkIFmWSFFuOyj3LPArbSv
Portlendas (OR) "hc" kvartets "Dry Socket" ar LP "Sorry For Your Loss" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/0eoqR7hpgBcltVCdJmg8iy 2025.g.janvārī būs UK/EU tūrē.
Losandželosas (CA) "hc" kvintets "Sweat" būs ar otro LP "Love Child" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/6HeyT42cCHNa0G79I2CL6L Grupas debijas LP "Gotta Give It Up" izdots 2022.g.
Kvalitatīvs "punk/hc/emo" no pieredzējušā (dib.2012.g.) Floridas kvinteta "Gouge Away" , kura otrais LP izdots jau tālajā 2018.g. Būs ar trešo LP "Deep Sage" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/1PdfdsdJ4Chyist5lhfXQ1 ar 11 dziesmām .Vokāliste kopš dibināšanas ir Christina Michelle .
Arī trešais LP "Glitter and Spit" (2024) https://open.spotify.com/album/4FAisSd5z0RZIcHwZjbs4l no 2017.g.veidotā Vašingtonas "hc" kvarteta "NØ MAN" . Kvatatīva žanra grupa . Agrākie LP izdoti 2018. un 2020.g.
Otro reizi trīs grupas :
Ņūdžersijas "hc" kvartets "GEL" būs ar jauno EP "Persona" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/7iSh8UZLiaaxaxi6H8BRjc , kas seko diviem izdotiem EP (2021./2023.g.) . 2023.g. maijā apskatījām otro EP "Only Constant" .
Bufallo (NY) "punk/hc" kvintets "Spaced" būs ar otro EP "This Is All We Ever Get" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/3W1oOBFsQ3OETOnmX1NmH4 , kas seko 2023.g.maijā apskatītajam debijas EP "Spaced Jams" (2022) .
Losandželosas (CA) 2017.g.veidotais "punk" kvartets "Slaughterhouse" būs ar jaunāko singlu ar video "State of Emergency" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/3RyzThnhaoq35Y5BGOdhlO . 2022.g.maijā apskatījām grupas debijas LP "Fun Factory" (2021) .
Noslēgumā pirmoreiz divas grupas no Kanādas :
Vankuveras (BC) "hc" kvintets "Punitive Damage" ar karso 25.oktobrī izdoto EP "Hate Training" open.spotify.com/album/0LeM4dmQnDjeZyHhA7Vq09 2022.g.tika izdots debijas LP .
Hamiltonas (ON) "hc" kvartets "Fight on Sight" būs ar karsto 31.oktobrī izdoto otro EP "Spit" (2024) https://open.spotify.com/album/3x51TGI87u6NRo4rBI7Mh9
Dziesmu saraksts
1."Lockslip" - "Payment"
2."Entry" - "Follow Through"
3."Princess" - "Razor`s Edge"
4."Shitfire" - "Toxic"
5."Brat" - "Social Grace"
6."Stress Positions" - "Ode to Aphrodite"
7."Dry Socket" - "Keeper"
8."Sweat" - "White Nectarines"
9."Gouge Away" - "Deep Sage"
10."Gouge Away" - "Newtau"
11."NØ MAN" - "Eat My Twin"
12."GEL" - "Vanity"
13."Spaced" - "Running Man"
14."Slaughterhouse" - "State of Emergency"
15."Punitive Damage" - "Blight of Apathy"
16."Fight on Sight" - "Fate"
"Lockslip" - "Payment" www.youtube.com/watch
"Entry" - "Follow Through" www.youtube.com/watch
"Princess" - "Razor`s Edge" www.youtube.com/watch
"Shitfire" - "Toxic" www.youtube.com/watch
"Brat" - "Social Grace" www.youtube.com/watch
"Stress Positions" - "Ode to Aphrodite" www.youtube.com/watch
"Dry Socket" - "Keeper" www.youtube.com/watch
"Sweat" - "White Nectarines" www.youtube.com/watch
"Gouge Away" - "Deep Sage" www.youtube.com/watch
"Gouge Away" - "Newtau" www.youtube.com/watch
"NØ MAN" - "Eat My Twin" www.youtube.com/watch
"GEL" - "Vanity" www.youtube.com/watch
"Spaced" - "Running Man" www.youtube.com/watch
"Slaughterhouse" - "State of Emergency" www.youtube.com/watch
"Punitive Damage" - "Blight of Apathy" www.youtube.com/watch
"Fight on Sight" - "Fate" www.youtube.com/watch