Ievadā trīs grupas , kuras šogad izdevušas vairākus singlus :
Čikāgas (IL) kvintets "Snowcuffs" , ko izveidojis pazīstamās "shoegaze" grupas "Lightfoils" ģitārists Neils , izdevuši divus singlus un būs ar "Uptown" open.spotify.com/album/334srhqOcTqdrlaRFL5K7k ;
Dalasas (TX) kvartets "Ultra Bloom" izdevis divus singlus un būs ar "Velouria" open.spotify.com/album/0y1hX30oTwQ07lfVKAWrcB ;
Austinas (TX) kvartets "No Desire" izdevis trīs singlus un būs ar "In the Dark" open.spotify.com/album/0Gfh9HFMaEYL2J6EW1Q9mY ;
Turpinājumā grupas ar debijas mazformāta albumiem (EP) :
Hulas (MA) kvintets "Overnight" ar "Blush" (2022) open.spotify.com/album/0UwpeLKBo2ccP392jnEG5E . 2023.g.jūlijā izdots otrais EP "Nosedive" .
Floridas kvintets "Disputer" ar "Override My Mind" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/5qapoInShjsFFI9S27LowT .
Fortveinas (IN) kvintets "Seventh Cloud" ar "Heirloom/Locket" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/7KJ3YedhYyklk4RqfXiIL5 un jauno singlu ar video "Swan" open.spotify.com/album/54vefho7Y7I8bqKRLXkahH .
Nešvilas (TN) kvartets "Avalon" ar "3P" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/066uvfnB0yAAWUgEnVbBkE .
Edinburgas (TX) sekstets "Lunar Heart" ar "Starry Eyed" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/2IzMgUdR5pZ7s1u2TSlDaE .
Lubbokas (TX) kvartets "Last of the Lights" ar "Last of the Lights" (2023) open.spotify.com/album/4YKEfDPBKtfnyjseLQFGaD .
Palmdeilas (CA) kvartets "Onira" ar "Plain to See" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/2i8BqI2K0kyFD866M6a45w
Losandželosas (CA) kvintets "Siam Jem" ar "Ataraxia" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/14sAUG2DHpQRbRI4eZDjPw
Losandželosas (CA) trio "Blue Ether" ar "It Is Written" (2024) open.spotify.com/album/6AXpqU2LdhKY0clb63yTq8
Dziesmu saraksts
1."Snowcuffs" - "Uptown"
2."Ultra Bloom" - "Velouria"
3."No Desire" - "In the Dark"
4."Overnight" - "Party Pete"
5."Disputer" - "Override"
6."Seventh Cloud" - "Swan"
7."Avalon" - "Undecided"
8."Lunar Heart" - "Take Me Back"
9."Last of the Lights" - "Dogs"
10."Onira" - "Falling Flat"
11."Siam Jem" - "Panic"
12."Blue Ether" - "With You"
"Snowcuffs" - "Uptown" www.youtube.com/watch
"Ultra Bloom" - "Velouria" www.youtube.com/watch
"No Desire" - "In the Dark" www.youtube.com/watch
"Overnight" - "Party Pete" www.youtube.com/watch
"Disputer" - "Override" www.youtube.com/watch
"Seventh Cloud" - "Swan" www.youtube.com/watch
"Avalon" - "Undecided" www.youtube.com/watch
"Lunar Heart" - "Take Me Back" www.youtube.com/watch
"Last of the Lights" - "Dogs" www.youtube.com/watch
"Onira" - "Falling Flat" www.youtube.com/watch
"Siam Jem" - "Panic" www.youtube.com/watch
"Blue Ether" - "With You" www.youtube.com/watch